The Truth About Hashtags
Ahh, hashtags. They are, quite possibly, the #1 tool on Twitter (see what I did there?), but they also cause some of the biggest problems. So let’s talk turkey. Hashtag turkey. What are they? Twitter...
View ArticleYour Brand Needs A Social Media Value Proposition
There are so many companies and brands that prop up a Facbeook page or a Twitter feed just to have one. These accounts have little to no strategic purpose behind them. And…I’l go out on a limb...
View Article5 Bold Social Media Predictions
The social media world is constantly evolving. It wasn’t that long ago that dial-up led to DSL which led to the iCloud. Looking back just 20 years, “mobile” phones were generally bolted into cars. We...
View ArticleHashtags of Faith; Hashtags of Science
Earlier this year, I wrote about how effective social media marketing requires a little bit of LOST’s John Locke and Jack Shepherd. The show’s lead characters were so similar, but so different. Locke...
View ArticleAre Facebook Hashtags #DOOMED2FAIL?
It’s been less than two weeks since Facebook adopted Twitter’s ubiquitous hashtag system for tracking conversations. The theory behind bringing it in is simple and, on paper, makes sense: If you care...
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